Library Obs.anticlique
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import notations decidable_prop list_dec.
Require Import equiv_obs sem_obs.
Require Import laws.
Section s.
Context {V : Set} {decV : decidable_set V}.
Hypothesis infiniteV : ∀ l : list V, ∃ a : V, ¬ a ∈ l.
Context { a__o : V}.
Require Import notations decidable_prop list_dec.
Require Import equiv_obs sem_obs.
Require Import laws.
Section s.
Context {V : Set} {decV : decidable_set V}.
Hypothesis infiniteV : ∀ l : list V, ∃ a : V, ¬ a ∈ l.
Context { a__o : V}.
Instance Ω : Graph :=
vertex := V;
coh := @eq V;
coh_refl := @eq_Reflexive V;
coh_sym := @eq_Symmetric V
Instance decΩ : DecidableGraph Ω.
vertex := V;
coh := @eq V;
coh_refl := @eq_Reflexive V;
coh_sym := @eq_Symmetric V
Instance decΩ : DecidableGraph Ω.
Reserved Notation " x =Ω y " (at level 80).
Inductive Ω_ax : relation observation :=
| Ω_top' a b : ⦑a⦒⟇(⦑a⦒→⊥o) =Ω ⦑b⦒⟇(⦑b⦒→⊥o)
| Ω_neg (X : list V) : ((⋁ (map o_obs X))→⊥o)→⊥o =Ω ⋁ (map o_obs X)
where " x =Ω y " := (Ω_ax x y).
Notation axΩ := (ha_ax (+) (obs_ax (+) Ω_ax)).
Hint Constructors Ω_ax : core.
Remark eo_Ω_top' a b : axΩ ⊢ ⦑a⦒⟇(⦑a⦒→⊥o) ≡ ⦑b⦒⟇(⦑b⦒→⊥o).
Remark eo_Ω_neg X : axΩ ⊢ ((⋁ (map o_obs X))→⊥o)→⊥o ≡ ⋁ (map o_obs X).
Inductive Ω_ax : relation observation :=
| Ω_top' a b : ⦑a⦒⟇(⦑a⦒→⊥o) =Ω ⦑b⦒⟇(⦑b⦒→⊥o)
| Ω_neg (X : list V) : ((⋁ (map o_obs X))→⊥o)→⊥o =Ω ⋁ (map o_obs X)
where " x =Ω y " := (Ω_ax x y).
Notation axΩ := (ha_ax (+) (obs_ax (+) Ω_ax)).
Hint Constructors Ω_ax : core.
Remark eo_Ω_top' a b : axΩ ⊢ ⦑a⦒⟇(⦑a⦒→⊥o) ≡ ⦑b⦒⟇(⦑b⦒→⊥o).
Remark eo_Ω_neg X : axΩ ⊢ ((⋁ (map o_obs X))→⊥o)→⊥o ≡ ⋁ (map o_obs X).
Notation "⊤'" := (⦑ a__o ⦒ ⟇ (⦑ a__o ⦒→⊥o)).
Lemma top'_a a : axΩ ⊢ ⦑a⦒ ≦ ⊤'.
Lemma top'_not_a a : axΩ ⊢ ⦑a⦒ → ⊥o ≦ ⊤'.
Lemma top'_or_neg a b :
a ≠ b → axΩ ⊢ ⊤' ≦ (⦑ a ⦒ → ⊥o) ⟇ (⦑ b ⦒ → ⊥o).
Lemma neg_neg_axΩ a : axΩ ⊢ (⦑a⦒ → ⊥o)→ ⊥o ≡ ⦑a⦒.
Lemma neg_top'_is_bot :
axΩ ⊢ ⊤' → ⊥o ≡ ⊥o.
Lemma weak_excluded_middle u :
axΩ ⊢ ⊤' ≦ ⋁ (map o_obs u) ⟇ (⋁ (map o_obs u) → ⊥o).
Remark Meet_not_and_sgl_not_in x u :
¬ x ∈ u → axΩ ⊢ ⋀ (map (fun a ⇒ ⦑ a ⦒ → ⊥o) u) ⟑ ⦑ x ⦒ ≡ ⦑ x ⦒.
Remark Meet_not_and_sgl_in x u :
x ∈ u →
axΩ ⊢ ⋀ (map (fun a : V ⇒ ⦑ a ⦒ → ⊥o) u) ⟑ ⦑ x ⦒ ≡ ⊥o.
Lemma top'_a a : axΩ ⊢ ⦑a⦒ ≦ ⊤'.
Lemma top'_not_a a : axΩ ⊢ ⦑a⦒ → ⊥o ≦ ⊤'.
Lemma top'_or_neg a b :
a ≠ b → axΩ ⊢ ⊤' ≦ (⦑ a ⦒ → ⊥o) ⟇ (⦑ b ⦒ → ⊥o).
Lemma neg_neg_axΩ a : axΩ ⊢ (⦑a⦒ → ⊥o)→ ⊥o ≡ ⦑a⦒.
Lemma neg_top'_is_bot :
axΩ ⊢ ⊤' → ⊥o ≡ ⊥o.
Lemma weak_excluded_middle u :
axΩ ⊢ ⊤' ≦ ⋁ (map o_obs u) ⟇ (⋁ (map o_obs u) → ⊥o).
Remark Meet_not_and_sgl_not_in x u :
¬ x ∈ u → axΩ ⊢ ⋀ (map (fun a ⇒ ⦑ a ⦒ → ⊥o) u) ⟑ ⦑ x ⦒ ≡ ⦑ x ⦒.
Remark Meet_not_and_sgl_in x u :
x ∈ u →
axΩ ⊢ ⋀ (map (fun a : V ⇒ ⦑ a ⦒ → ⊥o) u) ⟑ ⦑ x ⦒ ≡ ⊥o.
Definition Obs__Ω := option (list V + list V)%type.
Definition V' := option V.
Instance sat__Ω : Satisfaction V' Obs__Ω :=
fun x (o : Obs__Ω) ⇒
match x,o with
| _,None ⇒ True
| Some a,Some (inl u) ⇒ ¬ a ∈ u
| Some a,Some (inr u) ⇒ a ∈ u
| _,_ ⇒ False
Definition inf__Ω : Obs__Ω → Obs__Ω → bool :=
fun x y ⇒
match x,y with
| _,None ⇒ true
| Some(inl u),Some(inl v)
| Some(inr v),Some(inr u) ⇒ inclb v u
| Some(inr u),Some(inl v) ⇒ (u ∩ v) =?= []
| _,_ ⇒ false
Lemma complete_inf__Ω s t : inf__Ω s t = true ↔ s ≲ t.
Definition V' := option V.
Instance sat__Ω : Satisfaction V' Obs__Ω :=
fun x (o : Obs__Ω) ⇒
match x,o with
| _,None ⇒ True
| Some a,Some (inl u) ⇒ ¬ a ∈ u
| Some a,Some (inr u) ⇒ a ∈ u
| _,_ ⇒ False
Definition inf__Ω : Obs__Ω → Obs__Ω → bool :=
fun x y ⇒
match x,y with
| _,None ⇒ true
| Some(inl u),Some(inl v)
| Some(inr v),Some(inr u) ⇒ inclb v u
| Some(inr u),Some(inl v) ⇒ (u ∩ v) =?= []
| _,_ ⇒ false
Lemma complete_inf__Ω s t : inf__Ω s t = true ↔ s ≲ t.
Remark cliques_at_most_one_elt (α : clique) a b :
a ⊨ α → b ⊨ α → a = b.
Corollary mem_is_sgl (α : clique) a : a ⊨ α ↔ α ≃ sgl a.
a ⊨ α → b ⊨ α → a = b.
Corollary mem_is_sgl (α : clique) a : a ⊨ α ↔ α ≃ sgl a.
Definition ξ : V' → clique :=
fun x ⇒ match x with None ⇒ empt | Some a ⇒ sgl a end.
Definition ζ : clique → V' :=
fun α ⇒
match (incompat α a__o) with
| Some a ⇒ Some a
| None ⇒ if member α a__o then Some a__o else None
Lemma ζ_Some α a : ζ α = Some a → α ≃ sgl a.
Lemma ζ_None α : ζ α = None → α ≃ empt.
Corollary ξ_ζ α : ξ (ζ α) ≃ α.
Lemma ζ_sgl a : ζ (sgl a) = Some a.
Lemma ζ_empt : ζ empt = None.
Corollary ζ_ξ x : ζ(ξ x) = x.
fun x ⇒ match x with None ⇒ empt | Some a ⇒ sgl a end.
Definition ζ : clique → V' :=
fun α ⇒
match (incompat α a__o) with
| Some a ⇒ Some a
| None ⇒ if member α a__o then Some a__o else None
Lemma ζ_Some α a : ζ α = Some a → α ≃ sgl a.
Lemma ζ_None α : ζ α = None → α ≃ empt.
Corollary ξ_ζ α : ξ (ζ α) ≃ α.
Lemma ζ_sgl a : ζ (sgl a) = Some a.
Lemma ζ_empt : ζ empt = None.
Corollary ζ_ξ x : ζ(ξ x) = x.
Proposition axΩ_sound : subrelation axΩ sequiv.
Corollary inf_axΩ_sound s t :
axΩ ⊢ s ≦ t → s ≲ t.
Corollary eq_axΩ_sound s t :
axΩ ⊢ s ≡ t → s ≃ t.
Corollary inf_axΩ_sound s t :
axΩ ⊢ s ≦ t → s ≲ t.
Corollary eq_axΩ_sound s t :
axΩ ⊢ s ≡ t → s ≃ t.
Definition τ (o : Obs__Ω) : observation :=
match o with
| None ⇒ ⊤o
| Some (inl u) ⇒
if u =?= []
then ⊤'
else ⋀ (map (fun a ⇒ ⦑ a ⦒ → ⊥o) u)
| Some (inr u) ⇒ ⋁ (map o_obs u)
Lemma τ_ζ α o : α ⊨ (τ o) → ζ α ⊨ o.
Lemma τ_ξ α o : α ⊨ o → ξ α ⊨ (τ o).
Lemma sound_τ_sat__Ω α o : α ⊨ (τ o) ↔ ζ α ⊨ o.
Instance τ_proper_inf__Ω : Proper (ssmaller ==> inf_obs axΩ) τ.
Instance dec_inf__Ω x y : DecidableProp (x ≲ y).
match o with
| None ⇒ ⊤o
| Some (inl u) ⇒
if u =?= []
then ⊤'
else ⋀ (map (fun a ⇒ ⦑ a ⦒ → ⊥o) u)
| Some (inr u) ⇒ ⋁ (map o_obs u)
Lemma τ_ζ α o : α ⊨ (τ o) → ζ α ⊨ o.
Lemma τ_ξ α o : α ⊨ o → ξ α ⊨ (τ o).
Lemma sound_τ_sat__Ω α o : α ⊨ (τ o) ↔ ζ α ⊨ o.
Instance τ_proper_inf__Ω : Proper (ssmaller ==> inf_obs axΩ) τ.
Instance dec_inf__Ω x y : DecidableProp (x ≲ y).
Fixpoint to_Obs__Ω s : Obs__Ω :=
match s with
| ⊥o ⇒ Some (inr [])
| ⊤o ⇒ None
| ⦑a⦒ ⇒ Some (inr [a])
| s⟇t ⇒ match (to_Obs__Ω s),(to_Obs__Ω t) with
| None,_ | _,None ⇒ None
| Some(inl u),Some(inl v) ⇒ Some(inl (u∩v))
| Some(inr u),Some(inr v) ⇒ Some(inr (u++v))
| Some(inl u),Some(inr v)
| Some(inr v),Some(inl u) ⇒ Some(inl (u−v))
| s⟑t ⇒ match (to_Obs__Ω s),(to_Obs__Ω t) with
| Some(inl u),Some(inl v) ⇒ Some(inl (u++v))
| Some(inr u),Some(inr v) ⇒ Some(inr (u∩v))
| Some(inl u),Some(inr v)
| Some(inr v),Some(inl u) ⇒ Some(inr (v−u))
| None,z | z,None ⇒ z
| s→t ⇒
if inf__Ω (to_Obs__Ω s) (to_Obs__Ω t)
then None
match (to_Obs__Ω s),(to_Obs__Ω t) with
| x,None | None,x ⇒ x
| Some (inl u),Some (inl v) ⇒ Some (inl (v − u))
| Some (inr u),Some (inl v) ⇒ Some (inl (u ∩ v))
| Some (inl u),Some (inr v) ⇒ Some (inr (u ++ v))
| Some (inr u),Some (inr v) ⇒ Some (inl (u − v))
Lemma τ_join__Ω s t :
axΩ ⊢ τ (to_Obs__Ω (s ⟇ t)) ≡ τ (to_Obs__Ω s) ⟇ τ (to_Obs__Ω t).
Lemma τ_meet__Ω s t :
axΩ ⊢ τ (to_Obs__Ω (s ⟑ t)) ≡ τ (to_Obs__Ω s) ⟑ τ (to_Obs__Ω t).
Lemma τ_neg__Ω s : axΩ ⊢ τ (to_Obs__Ω (s→⊥o)) ≡ τ (to_Obs__Ω s) → ⊥o.
Lemma τ_impl__Ω s t :
axΩ ⊢ τ (to_Obs__Ω (s → t)) ≡ τ (to_Obs__Ω s) → τ (to_Obs__Ω t).
Lemma τ_to_Obs__Ω s : axΩ ⊢ s ≡ τ (to_Obs__Ω s).
match s with
| ⊥o ⇒ Some (inr [])
| ⊤o ⇒ None
| ⦑a⦒ ⇒ Some (inr [a])
| s⟇t ⇒ match (to_Obs__Ω s),(to_Obs__Ω t) with
| None,_ | _,None ⇒ None
| Some(inl u),Some(inl v) ⇒ Some(inl (u∩v))
| Some(inr u),Some(inr v) ⇒ Some(inr (u++v))
| Some(inl u),Some(inr v)
| Some(inr v),Some(inl u) ⇒ Some(inl (u−v))
| s⟑t ⇒ match (to_Obs__Ω s),(to_Obs__Ω t) with
| Some(inl u),Some(inl v) ⇒ Some(inl (u++v))
| Some(inr u),Some(inr v) ⇒ Some(inr (u∩v))
| Some(inl u),Some(inr v)
| Some(inr v),Some(inl u) ⇒ Some(inr (v−u))
| None,z | z,None ⇒ z
| s→t ⇒
if inf__Ω (to_Obs__Ω s) (to_Obs__Ω t)
then None
match (to_Obs__Ω s),(to_Obs__Ω t) with
| x,None | None,x ⇒ x
| Some (inl u),Some (inl v) ⇒ Some (inl (v − u))
| Some (inr u),Some (inl v) ⇒ Some (inl (u ∩ v))
| Some (inl u),Some (inr v) ⇒ Some (inr (u ++ v))
| Some (inr u),Some (inr v) ⇒ Some (inl (u − v))
Lemma τ_join__Ω s t :
axΩ ⊢ τ (to_Obs__Ω (s ⟇ t)) ≡ τ (to_Obs__Ω s) ⟇ τ (to_Obs__Ω t).
Lemma τ_meet__Ω s t :
axΩ ⊢ τ (to_Obs__Ω (s ⟑ t)) ≡ τ (to_Obs__Ω s) ⟑ τ (to_Obs__Ω t).
Lemma τ_neg__Ω s : axΩ ⊢ τ (to_Obs__Ω (s→⊥o)) ≡ τ (to_Obs__Ω s) → ⊥o.
Lemma τ_impl__Ω s t :
axΩ ⊢ τ (to_Obs__Ω (s → t)) ≡ τ (to_Obs__Ω s) → τ (to_Obs__Ω t).
Lemma τ_to_Obs__Ω s : axΩ ⊢ s ≡ τ (to_Obs__Ω s).
Theorem completeness_anticlique s t :
axΩ ⊢ s ≦ t ↔ s ≲ t.
Corollary completeness_anticlique_eq s t :
axΩ ⊢ s ≡ t ↔ s ≃ t.
Corollary ξ_to_Obs__Ω x s : x ⊨ (to_Obs__Ω s) ↔ ξ x ⊨ s.
Corollary sem_bij_to_Obs__Ω s t : to_Obs__Ω s ≲ to_Obs__Ω t ↔ s ≲ t.
Instance dec_sat α (s : observation) : DecidableProp (α ⊨ s).
Instance anticlique_dec_inf (s t : observation) :
DecidableProp (s ≲ t).
Lemma anticlique_inf_or_cntrex (s t : observation) :
{s ≲ t} + {∃ β, β ⊨ s ∧ ¬ β ⊨ t}.
Proposition anticlique_choose_clique : choose_clique Ω.
End s.
axΩ ⊢ s ≦ t ↔ s ≲ t.
Corollary completeness_anticlique_eq s t :
axΩ ⊢ s ≡ t ↔ s ≃ t.
Corollary ξ_to_Obs__Ω x s : x ⊨ (to_Obs__Ω s) ↔ ξ x ⊨ s.
Corollary sem_bij_to_Obs__Ω s t : to_Obs__Ω s ≲ to_Obs__Ω t ↔ s ≲ t.
Instance dec_sat α (s : observation) : DecidableProp (α ⊨ s).
Instance anticlique_dec_inf (s t : observation) :
DecidableProp (s ≲ t).
Lemma anticlique_inf_or_cntrex (s t : observation) :
{s ≲ t} + {∃ β, β ⊨ s ∧ ¬ β ⊨ t}.
Proposition anticlique_choose_clique : choose_clique Ω.
End s.