Library Obs.sem_obs
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import notations decidable_prop list_dec.
Require Export syntax_obs equiv_obs.
Section s.
Context {G : Graph} {decG : DecidableGraph G}.
Require Import notations decidable_prop list_dec.
Require Export syntax_obs equiv_obs.
Section s.
Context {G : Graph} {decG : DecidableGraph G}.
Semantics of observation terms
Global Instance satObs : Satisfaction clique observation :=
fix satObs (x : clique) (o : observation) :=
match o with
| ⊤o ⇒ True
| ⊥o ⇒ False
| ⦑u⦒ ⇒ u ⊨ x
| o1 ⟇ o2 ⇒ satObs x o1 ∨ satObs x o2
| o1 ⟑ o2 ⇒ satObs x o1 ∧ satObs x o2
| o1 → o2 ⇒
∀ y, satObs y o1 → y ⊃ x → satObs y o2
Remark sat_top x : x ⊨ ⊤o ↔ True.
Remark sat_bot x : x ⊨ ⊥o ↔ False.
Remark sat_at x u : x ⊨ ⦑u⦒ ↔ u ⊨ x.
Remark sat_disj x o1 o2 : x ⊨ (o1 ⟇ o2) ↔ x ⊨ o1 ∨ x ⊨ o2.
Remark sat_conj x o1 o2 : x ⊨ (o1 ⟑ o2) ↔ x ⊨ o1 ∧ x ⊨ o2.
Remark sat_impl x o1 o2 :
x ⊨ (o1 → o2) ↔ ∀ y, y ⊨ o1 → y ⊃ x → y ⊨ o2.
Hint Rewrite sat_top sat_bot sat_at sat_disj sat_conj sat_impl
: simpl_typeclasses.
Global Instance satObs_proper :
Proper (sequiv ==> sequiv ==> iff) satisfies.
Global Instance satisfies_inf :
Proper (ssmaller ==> ssmaller ==> Basics.impl) satisfies.
fix satObs (x : clique) (o : observation) :=
match o with
| ⊤o ⇒ True
| ⊥o ⇒ False
| ⦑u⦒ ⇒ u ⊨ x
| o1 ⟇ o2 ⇒ satObs x o1 ∨ satObs x o2
| o1 ⟑ o2 ⇒ satObs x o1 ∧ satObs x o2
| o1 → o2 ⇒
∀ y, satObs y o1 → y ⊃ x → satObs y o2
Remark sat_top x : x ⊨ ⊤o ↔ True.
Remark sat_bot x : x ⊨ ⊥o ↔ False.
Remark sat_at x u : x ⊨ ⦑u⦒ ↔ u ⊨ x.
Remark sat_disj x o1 o2 : x ⊨ (o1 ⟇ o2) ↔ x ⊨ o1 ∨ x ⊨ o2.
Remark sat_conj x o1 o2 : x ⊨ (o1 ⟑ o2) ↔ x ⊨ o1 ∧ x ⊨ o2.
Remark sat_impl x o1 o2 :
x ⊨ (o1 → o2) ↔ ∀ y, y ⊨ o1 → y ⊃ x → y ⊨ o2.
Hint Rewrite sat_top sat_bot sat_at sat_disj sat_conj sat_impl
: simpl_typeclasses.
Global Instance satObs_proper :
Proper (sequiv ==> sequiv ==> iff) satisfies.
Global Instance satisfies_inf :
Proper (ssmaller ==> ssmaller ==> Basics.impl) satisfies.
n-ary meets and joins.
Lemma satisfies_Join x A : x ⊨ (⋁ A) ↔ ∃ a, a ∈ A ∧ x ⊨ a.
Lemma satisfies_Meet x A : x ⊨ (⋀ A) ↔ ∀ a, a ∈ A → x ⊨ a.
Lemma satisfies_Meet x A : x ⊨ (⋀ A) ↔ ∀ a, a ∈ A → x ⊨ a.
Finite cliques
The problems of 1) satifiability for finite cliques 2) semantic containment of a pair of terms 3) semantic equivalence of a pair of terms are all equi-decidable.
Remark dec_fsat_impl_dec_ssmaller :
(∀ α s, DecidableProp (!α ⊨ s)) → ∀ s t, DecidableProp ( s ≲ t ).
Remark dec_ssmaller_impl_dec_fsat :
(∀ s t, DecidableProp ( s ≲ t )) → (∀ α s, DecidableProp (!α ⊨ s)).
Remark dec_sequiv_impl_dec_ssmaller :
(∀ s t, DecidableProp (s ≃ t)) → ∀ s t, DecidableProp ( s ≲ t ).
Remark dec_ssmaller_impl_dec_sequiv :
(∀ s t, DecidableProp (s ≲ t)) → ∀ s t, DecidableProp ( s ≃ t ).
(∀ α s, DecidableProp (!α ⊨ s)) → ∀ s t, DecidableProp ( s ≲ t ).
Remark dec_ssmaller_impl_dec_fsat :
(∀ s t, DecidableProp ( s ≲ t )) → (∀ α s, DecidableProp (!α ⊨ s)).
Remark dec_sequiv_impl_dec_ssmaller :
(∀ s t, DecidableProp (s ≃ t)) → ∀ s t, DecidableProp ( s ≲ t ).
Remark dec_ssmaller_impl_dec_sequiv :
(∀ s t, DecidableProp (s ≲ t)) → ∀ s t, DecidableProp ( s ≃ t ).
The following property will be useful to combine observation algebras.
Definition choose_clique :=
∀ (α : clique) (s t : observation),
{∀ β, β ⊃ α → β ⊨ s → β ⊨ t} + {∃ β, β ⊃ α ∧ β ⊨ s ∧ ¬ β ⊨ t}.
∀ (α : clique) (s t : observation),
{∀ β, β ⊃ α → β ⊨ s → β ⊨ t} + {∃ β, β ⊃ α ∧ β ⊨ s ∧ ¬ β ⊨ t}.
It implies the decidability of satisfiability.
Lemma choose_clique_sat_dec :
choose_clique → ∀ α s, DecidableProp (α ⊨ s).
End s.
Infix " ⊨ " := satisfies (at level 10).
Arguments choose_clique : clear implicits.
Global Hint Rewrite @sat_top @sat_bot @sat_at @sat_disj @sat_conj
: simpl_typeclasses.
Proposition eo_sound `{Graph} 𝖠 :
(subrelation 𝖠 sequiv) → ∀ a b, 𝖠 ⊢ a ≡ b → a ≃ b.
Proposition ha_sound `{Graph} : subrelation ha_ax sequiv.
Proposition Obs_sound `{DecidableGraph} :
subrelation Obs sequiv.
Proposition Obs'_sound {G : Graph} {decG : DecidableGraph G} :
subrelation Obs' sequiv.
choose_clique → ∀ α s, DecidableProp (α ⊨ s).
End s.
Infix " ⊨ " := satisfies (at level 10).
Arguments choose_clique : clear implicits.
Global Hint Rewrite @sat_top @sat_bot @sat_at @sat_disj @sat_conj
: simpl_typeclasses.
Proposition eo_sound `{Graph} 𝖠 :
(subrelation 𝖠 sequiv) → ∀ a b, 𝖠 ⊢ a ≡ b → a ≃ b.
Proposition ha_sound `{Graph} : subrelation ha_ax sequiv.
Proposition Obs_sound `{DecidableGraph} :
subrelation Obs sequiv.
Proposition Obs'_sound {G : Graph} {decG : DecidableGraph G} :
subrelation Obs' sequiv.