Library Obs.decidable_prop
Decidable sets
Class decidable_set X :=
{ eqX : X → X → bool;
eqX_eq : ∀ x y, reflect (x = y) (eqX x y)}.
Infix " =?= " := eqX (at level 20).
Section decidable.
Context { X : Set }.
Context { D : decidable_set X }.
{ eqX : X → X → bool;
eqX_eq : ∀ x y, reflect (x = y) (eqX x y)}.
Infix " =?= " := eqX (at level 20).
Section decidable.
Context { X : Set }.
Context { D : decidable_set X }.
This lemma is the preferred way of translating back and forth between boolean and propositional equality.
The next few lemmas are useful on occasion.
Lemma eqX_false : ∀ x y, eqX x y = false ↔ x ≠ y.
Lemma X_dec (x y : X) : {x = y} + {x ≠ y}.
Lemma eqX_refl x : eqX x x = true.
End decidable.
Lemma X_dec (x y : X) : {x = y} + {x ≠ y}.
Lemma eqX_refl x : eqX x x = true.
End decidable.
The set of natural numbers is decidable.
The set of natural booleans is decidable.
If A and B are decidable, then so is their Cartesian product.
If A and B are decidable, then so is their sum.
Global Instance dec_option (A : Set) :
decidable_set A → decidable_set (option A).
Class DecidableProp (P : Prop) := dec_prop: {P} + {¬ P}.
Arguments dec_prop : clear implicits.
Arguments dec_prop P {DecidableProp}.
Ltac case_prop p :=
let D := fresh "D" in
let hyp := fresh "hyp" in
destruct (dec_prop p) as [hyp|hyp].
Global Instance DecidableProp_Eq (A : Set) (x y : A) :
decidable_set A → DecidableProp (x=y).
Definition test (p : Prop) {d : DecidableProp p} : bool :=
if (dec_prop p) then true else false.
Arguments test p {d}.
Lemma test_reflect p `{DecidableProp p} : reflect p (test p).
Remark Is_true_test p `{DecidableProp p} : Is_true (test p) ↔ p.
Global Instance Is_true_dec b : DecidableProp (Is_true b).
Remark Is_true_iff_eq_true b : Is_true b ↔ b = true.
Remark test_Is_true (p : bool) : test (Is_true p) = p.
Remark test_spec ϕ `{DecidableProp ϕ} : test ϕ = true ↔ ϕ.
Global Instance DecidableProp_neg p : DecidableProp p → DecidableProp (¬p).
Global Instance DecidableProp_conj p1 p2 :
DecidableProp p1 → DecidableProp p2 → DecidableProp (p1 ∧ p2).
Global Instance DecidableProp_disj p1 p2 :
DecidableProp p1 → DecidableProp p2 → DecidableProp (p1 ∨ p2).
Global Instance DecidableProp_impl p1 p2 :
DecidableProp p1 → DecidableProp p2 → DecidableProp (p1 → p2).
Global Instance DecidableProp_iff p1 p2 :
DecidableProp p1 → DecidableProp p2 → DecidableProp (p1 ↔ p2).
Global Instance DecidableProp_forall_bnd (A : Set) p l :
(∀ a : A, DecidableProp (p a)) →
DecidableProp (∀ a, a ∈ l → p a).
Global Instance DecidableProp_exists_bnd (A : Set) p l :
(∀ a : A, DecidableProp (p a)) → DecidableProp (∃ a, a ∈ l ∧ p a).
Global Instance DecidableProp_equiv_prop p q :
DecidableProp p → (p ↔ q) → DecidableProp q.
Ltac prove_proper :=
match goal with
| _ : _ |- Proper ((@equivalent _) ==> iff) _ ⇒
let l := fresh "l" in
let m := fresh "m" in
let E := fresh "E" in
intros l m E;setoid_rewrite E;reflexivity
Lemma andb_prop_iff x y: Is_true (x && y) ↔ Is_true x ∧ Is_true y.
Lemma orb_prop_iff x y: Is_true (x || y) ↔ Is_true x ∨ Is_true y.
Global Hint Rewrite andb_prop_iff orb_prop_iff : quotebool.
Ltac case_equal a b :=
let E := fresh "E" in
destruct (X_dec a b) as [E|E];
[try rewrite E in *|].
Goal (∀ n, n = 0 ∨ n ≠ 0).
Ltac mega_simpl :=
repeat (simpl in *;
rewrite in_app_iff
|| match goal with
| [ h : In _ (map _ _ ) |- _ ] ⇒
let u1 := fresh "u" in
apply in_map_iff in h as (u1&<-&h)
| [ h : _ ∨ _ |- _ ] ⇒
destruct h as [h|h]
| [ h : In _ (_ ++ _ ) |- _ ] ⇒
apply in_app_iff in h as [h|h]
| [ _ : False |- _ ] ⇒ tauto
| |- (∀ _, _) ⇒ intro
| |- (_ → _) ⇒ intro
| |- (In _ (map _ _)) ⇒ apply in_map_iff
| |- (In _ (_ ++ _)) ⇒ apply in_app_iff
| |- (_ ∧ _) ⇒ split
| |- (_ ∨ False) ⇒ left
| |- (∃ _, _) ⇒ eexists
| [ h : In _ ?l |- In _ ?l ] ⇒ apply h
| [ h : In _ ?l |- In _ ?l ∨ _ ] ⇒ left;apply h
| [ h : In _ ?l |- _ ∨ In _ ?l ] ⇒ right;apply h
Ltac destruct_eqb x o :=
let Ei := fresh "E" in
let Ni := fresh "N" in
let X := fresh "X" in
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec x o) as [Ei |Ni];
[pose proof Ei as X;apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_eq in X;
try rewrite Ei in ×
|pose proof Ni as X;apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in X];
try rewrite X in *;clear X;
repeat (rewrite <- plus_n_O || rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl).
Ltac destruct_eqX_D D x o :=
let Ei := fresh "E" in
let Ni := fresh "N" in
let X := fresh "X" in
destruct (@X_dec _ D x o) as [Ei |Ni];
[pose proof Ei as X;apply (@eqX_correct _ D)in X;
try rewrite Ei in ×
|pose proof Ni as X;apply (@eqX_false _ D) in X];
repeat rewrite X in *;repeat rewrite (eqX_refl D) in *;clear X.
Ltac destruct_ltb x o :=
let Li := fresh "L" in
let X := fresh "X" in
destruct (Compare_dec.le_lt_dec o x) as [Li |Li];
[pose proof Li as X;apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_ge in X
|pose proof Li as X;apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in X];
try rewrite X in *;clear X;
repeat (rewrite <- plus_n_O || rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl).
Ltac destruct_leb o x :=
let Li := fresh "L" in
let X := fresh "X" in
destruct (Compare_dec.le_lt_dec o x) as [Li |Li];
[try rewrite (Compare_dec.leb_correct _ _ Li) in ×
|try rewrite (Compare_dec.leb_correct_conv _ _ Li) in *];
repeat (rewrite <- plus_n_O || rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl).
Ltac simpl_words :=
try discriminate;
match goal with
| [h: [] = _ ++ _ :: _ |- _ ] ⇒ apply app_cons_not_nil in h;tauto
| [h: _ ++ _ :: _ = [] |- _ ] ⇒ symmetry in h;apply app_cons_not_nil in h;tauto
| [h: _ ++ [_] = _ ++ [_] |- _ ] ⇒
let h' := fresh "h" in
apply app_inj_tail in h as (h,h');
try discriminate
decidable_set A → decidable_set (option A).
Class DecidableProp (P : Prop) := dec_prop: {P} + {¬ P}.
Arguments dec_prop : clear implicits.
Arguments dec_prop P {DecidableProp}.
Ltac case_prop p :=
let D := fresh "D" in
let hyp := fresh "hyp" in
destruct (dec_prop p) as [hyp|hyp].
Global Instance DecidableProp_Eq (A : Set) (x y : A) :
decidable_set A → DecidableProp (x=y).
Definition test (p : Prop) {d : DecidableProp p} : bool :=
if (dec_prop p) then true else false.
Arguments test p {d}.
Lemma test_reflect p `{DecidableProp p} : reflect p (test p).
Remark Is_true_test p `{DecidableProp p} : Is_true (test p) ↔ p.
Global Instance Is_true_dec b : DecidableProp (Is_true b).
Remark Is_true_iff_eq_true b : Is_true b ↔ b = true.
Remark test_Is_true (p : bool) : test (Is_true p) = p.
Remark test_spec ϕ `{DecidableProp ϕ} : test ϕ = true ↔ ϕ.
Global Instance DecidableProp_neg p : DecidableProp p → DecidableProp (¬p).
Global Instance DecidableProp_conj p1 p2 :
DecidableProp p1 → DecidableProp p2 → DecidableProp (p1 ∧ p2).
Global Instance DecidableProp_disj p1 p2 :
DecidableProp p1 → DecidableProp p2 → DecidableProp (p1 ∨ p2).
Global Instance DecidableProp_impl p1 p2 :
DecidableProp p1 → DecidableProp p2 → DecidableProp (p1 → p2).
Global Instance DecidableProp_iff p1 p2 :
DecidableProp p1 → DecidableProp p2 → DecidableProp (p1 ↔ p2).
Global Instance DecidableProp_forall_bnd (A : Set) p l :
(∀ a : A, DecidableProp (p a)) →
DecidableProp (∀ a, a ∈ l → p a).
Global Instance DecidableProp_exists_bnd (A : Set) p l :
(∀ a : A, DecidableProp (p a)) → DecidableProp (∃ a, a ∈ l ∧ p a).
Global Instance DecidableProp_equiv_prop p q :
DecidableProp p → (p ↔ q) → DecidableProp q.
Ltac prove_proper :=
match goal with
| _ : _ |- Proper ((@equivalent _) ==> iff) _ ⇒
let l := fresh "l" in
let m := fresh "m" in
let E := fresh "E" in
intros l m E;setoid_rewrite E;reflexivity
Lemma andb_prop_iff x y: Is_true (x && y) ↔ Is_true x ∧ Is_true y.
Lemma orb_prop_iff x y: Is_true (x || y) ↔ Is_true x ∨ Is_true y.
Global Hint Rewrite andb_prop_iff orb_prop_iff : quotebool.
Ltac case_equal a b :=
let E := fresh "E" in
destruct (X_dec a b) as [E|E];
[try rewrite E in *|].
Goal (∀ n, n = 0 ∨ n ≠ 0).
Ltac mega_simpl :=
repeat (simpl in *;
rewrite in_app_iff
|| match goal with
| [ h : In _ (map _ _ ) |- _ ] ⇒
let u1 := fresh "u" in
apply in_map_iff in h as (u1&<-&h)
| [ h : _ ∨ _ |- _ ] ⇒
destruct h as [h|h]
| [ h : In _ (_ ++ _ ) |- _ ] ⇒
apply in_app_iff in h as [h|h]
| [ _ : False |- _ ] ⇒ tauto
| |- (∀ _, _) ⇒ intro
| |- (_ → _) ⇒ intro
| |- (In _ (map _ _)) ⇒ apply in_map_iff
| |- (In _ (_ ++ _)) ⇒ apply in_app_iff
| |- (_ ∧ _) ⇒ split
| |- (_ ∨ False) ⇒ left
| |- (∃ _, _) ⇒ eexists
| [ h : In _ ?l |- In _ ?l ] ⇒ apply h
| [ h : In _ ?l |- In _ ?l ∨ _ ] ⇒ left;apply h
| [ h : In _ ?l |- _ ∨ In _ ?l ] ⇒ right;apply h
Ltac destruct_eqb x o :=
let Ei := fresh "E" in
let Ni := fresh "N" in
let X := fresh "X" in
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec x o) as [Ei |Ni];
[pose proof Ei as X;apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_eq in X;
try rewrite Ei in ×
|pose proof Ni as X;apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in X];
try rewrite X in *;clear X;
repeat (rewrite <- plus_n_O || rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl).
Ltac destruct_eqX_D D x o :=
let Ei := fresh "E" in
let Ni := fresh "N" in
let X := fresh "X" in
destruct (@X_dec _ D x o) as [Ei |Ni];
[pose proof Ei as X;apply (@eqX_correct _ D)in X;
try rewrite Ei in ×
|pose proof Ni as X;apply (@eqX_false _ D) in X];
repeat rewrite X in *;repeat rewrite (eqX_refl D) in *;clear X.
Ltac destruct_ltb x o :=
let Li := fresh "L" in
let X := fresh "X" in
destruct (Compare_dec.le_lt_dec o x) as [Li |Li];
[pose proof Li as X;apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_ge in X
|pose proof Li as X;apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in X];
try rewrite X in *;clear X;
repeat (rewrite <- plus_n_O || rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl).
Ltac destruct_leb o x :=
let Li := fresh "L" in
let X := fresh "X" in
destruct (Compare_dec.le_lt_dec o x) as [Li |Li];
[try rewrite (Compare_dec.leb_correct _ _ Li) in ×
|try rewrite (Compare_dec.leb_correct_conv _ _ Li) in *];
repeat (rewrite <- plus_n_O || rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl).
Ltac simpl_words :=
try discriminate;
match goal with
| [h: [] = _ ++ _ :: _ |- _ ] ⇒ apply app_cons_not_nil in h;tauto
| [h: _ ++ _ :: _ = [] |- _ ] ⇒ symmetry in h;apply app_cons_not_nil in h;tauto
| [h: _ ++ [_] = _ ++ [_] |- _ ] ⇒
let h' := fresh "h" in
apply app_inj_tail in h as (h,h');
try discriminate