Library Obs.list_dec

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import notations decidable_prop Psatz.
Require Export list_tools.

Lists over a decidable set

Section dec_list.
  Context { A : Set } { dec_A : decidable_set A }.

Boolean equality for lists
  Fixpoint equal_list l m :=
    match (l,m) with
    | ([],[])true
    | (a::l,b::m)eqX a b && equal_list l m
    | _false

  Lemma equal_list_spec l m : reflect (l = m) (equal_list l m).

The set of lists of As is decidable.
  Global Instance dec_list : decidable_set (list A).

Boolean predicate testing whether an element belongs to a list.
  Definition inb (n : A) l := existsb (eqX n) l.

  Lemma inb_spec n l : inb n l = true n l.

  Lemma inb_false n l : inb n l = false ¬ n l.

This boolean predicate allows us to use the excluded middle with the predicate In.
  Lemma inb_dec n l : { inb n l = true n l } + { inb n l = false ¬ n l }.

  Lemma In_dec (n : A) l : { n l } + { ¬ n l }.

Boolean function implementing containment test.
  Definition inclb (a b : list A) :=
    forallb (fun xinb x b) a.

  Lemma inclb_correct a b : inclb a b = true a b.

Boolean function testing for equivalence of lists.
If u=u1++a::u2, we call the triple (u1,u2) an a-decomposition of u if a does not appear in u1.
If a is in l, then there exists an a-decomposition of l.
  Lemma decomposition (a : A) l :
    a l l1 l2, l = l1 ++ a :: l2 ¬ a l1.

Decompositions are unique.
{{l}} is a list containing the same elements as l, but without duplication.
  Definition undup l :=
    fold_right (fun a acc
                  if inb a acc
                  then acc
                  else a::acc)

  Notation " {{ l }} " := (undup l) (at level 0).

{{l}} is shorter than l.
{{l}} contains the same elements as l.
  Lemma In_undup a l: a {{l}} a l.

Put differently, {{l}} is equivalent to l.
  Lemma undup_equivalent l : {{l}} l.

The {{}} operator always produces a duplication free list.
  Lemma NoDup_undup l : NoDup {{l}}.

The {{}} operator doesn't change duplication free lists.
  Lemma NoDup_undup_eq l : NoDup l l = {{l}}.

A list is without duplication if and only if its mirror is duplication free.
  Lemma NoDup_rev {X:Set} (l : list X) : NoDup l NoDup (rev l).

{{}} preserves both and .
  Global Instance undup_incl_Proper : Proper (@incl A ==> @incl A) undup.
  Global Instance undup_equivalent_Proper : Proper (@equivalent A ==> @equivalent A) undup.

If l is contained in m and doesn't contain duplicates, then it must be shorter than m.
  Lemma NoDup_length (l m : list A) :
    l m NoDup l l m .

l is a fixpoint of map f if and only if {{l}} is a fixpoint of the same list homomorphism map f.
  Lemma map_undup_id (l : list A) (f : A A) :
    map f l = l map f {{l}} = {{l}}.

If f is injective, map f and {{}} commute.
  Lemma map_undup_inj (l : list A) (f : A A) :
    ( x y, f x = f y x = y) map f {{l}} = {{map f l}}.

NoDup is a decidable property.
  Definition NoDupb l := l =?= {{l}}.

  Lemma NoDupb_NoDup l : NoDupb l = true NoDup l.

Remove an element from a list.
  Definition rm (a : A) l := (fun xnegb (a=?=x)) :> l.
  Notation " l ∖ a " := (rm a l) (at level 50).

  Lemma rm_In b a l : b l a b l ab.

  Lemma rm_equiv a l : a l l a::(l a).

  Global Instance rm_equivalent_Proper a : Proper ((@equivalent A)==> (@equivalent A)) (rm a).

  Global Instance rm_incl_Proper a : Proper ((@incl A)==> (@incl A)) (rm a).

  Lemma rm_notin a l : ¬ a l l a = l.

Remove the first occurrence of an element from a list.

  Fixpoint rmfst (a : A) l :=
  match l with
  | [][]
  | b::lif a=?=b then l else b::(rmfst a l)
  Notation " l ⊖ a " := (rmfst a l) (at level 50).

  Lemma rmfst_notin a l : ¬ a l l a = l.

  Lemma rmfst_in a l1 l2 : ¬ a l1 (l1 ++ a :: l2) a = l1++l2.

l a is contained in the list l.
  Lemma rmfst_decr a l : l a l.

The operation rmfst commutes with itself.
  Lemma rmfst_comm (l : list A) a b : (l a) b = (l b) a.

If we try to remove a from l++m, one of three things may happen:
  • a appears in l, so we obtain (l a)++m;
  • a appears in m but not in l, so we obtain l++(m a);
  • a does not appear in l or m, so we obtain l++m.
This lemma highlights the existence of a list l1-l2: the list m shown to exist here is such that it contains no elements from l1, but concatenating l1 and m yields a list equivalent to l1++l2. Furthermore, we produce m without inserting any duplicates.
  Lemma split_app_unambiguous (l1 l2 : list A) :
     m, l1++l2 l1++m NoDup m ( a, a m ¬ a l1).

Sometimes we will need to count the number of occurrences of a particular element in a given list.
  Notation nb a l := eqX a :> l.

An equivalent (but slightly less convenient) function was defined in the standard library.
  Lemma nb_count_occ (a : A) l : nb a l = count_occ X_dec l a.

For convenience, we translate all the lemmas regarding count_occ in terms of nb.
  Lemma nb_nil (x : A) : nb x [] = 0.

  Lemma nb_In l (x : A) : x l nb x l > 0.

  Lemma nb_not_In (l : list A) (x : A): ¬ x l nb x l = 0.

  Lemma NoDup_nb (l : list A) : NoDup l ( x : A, nb x l 1).

  Lemma nb_inv_nil (l : list A) : ( x : A, nb x l = 0) l = [].

  Lemma nb_cons_neq (l : list A) (x y : A) : x y nb y (x :: l) = nb y l.

  Lemma nb_cons_eq (l : list A) (x y : A) : x = y nb y (x :: l) = S (nb y l).

  Lemma NoDup_nb' (l : list A) : NoDup l ( x : A, x l nb x l = 1).

If l is contained in m and if m has no duplicates, then the length of l can be obtained by summing over m the function that maps a to the number of occurrences of a in l.
  Lemma length_sum_filter l m:
    l m NoDup m l = sum (fun anb a l) m.

  Lemma sum_incr_0_left f (l m : list A) :
    ( x, ¬ x l f x = 0) sum f {{l}} = sum f {{m++l}}.

  Lemma sum_incr_0_right f (l m : list A) :
    ( x, ¬ x l f x = 0) sum f {{l}} = sum f {{l++m}}.

A list m appears in shuffles l exactly when for every a:A there are as may occurrences of a in l as in m.
  Lemma shuffles_spec (m l : list A) : m shuffles l a, nb a l = nb a m.

Intersection of finite sets
  Definition intersect u v := (fun ainb a v) :> u.
  Infix " ∩ " := intersect (at level 50).

  Lemma intersect_spec u v a : a u v a u a v.

  Global Instance intersect_proper_incl :
    Proper (@incl _ ==> @incl _ ==> @incl _) intersect.

  Global Instance intersect_proper :
    Proper (@equivalent _ ==> @equivalent _ ==> @equivalent _) intersect.

  Lemma interect_nil u : u [] = [].

  Lemma intersect_app_l u v w : (u++v) w = (uw)++(vw).

  Lemma intersect_app_r u v w : u∩(v++w) (uv)++(uw).

  Lemma intersect_ass u v w : u (v w) = (u v) w.
  Lemma intersect_comm u v : u v v u.

  Lemma intersect_meet_l u v : u v u v = u.

  Lemma intersect_incl u v : u v u.

Difference of finite sets
  Definition difference u v := (fun anegb (inb a v)) :> u.
  Infix " − " := difference (at level 50).

  Lemma difference_spec u v a : a u v a u ¬ a v.

  Global Instance difference_proper :
    Proper (@equivalent _ ==> @equivalent _ ==> @equivalent _) difference.

  Global Instance difference_proper_inf :
    Proper (@incl _ ==> Basics.flip (@incl _) ==> @incl _) difference.

  Remark difference_right_subs u v w : u v w u = w v.

  Lemma difference_app_l u v w : (u++v)−w = (uw)++(vw).
  Lemma difference_app_r u v w : u−(v++w) (uv)∩(uw).
  Lemma difference_inter_r u v w : u−(vw) (uv)++(uw).
  Lemma difference_inter_l u v w : (uv)−w (uw)∩(vw).
  Lemma difference_nil u : u [] = u.

  Lemma difference_incl u v : u v u.

  Lemma difference_intersect u v : v (u v) = [].

End dec_list.
Notation " l ∖ a " := (rm a l) (at level 50).
Notation " l ⊖ a " := (rmfst a l) (at level 50).
Notation nb a l := eqX a :> l.
Notation " {{ l }} " := (undup l) (at level 0).
Infix " ∩ " := intersect (at level 50).
  Infix " − " := difference (at level 50).

Lemma nb_map {A B :Set} `{decidable_set A,decidable_set B} (f : A B) :
  ( x1 x2 : A, f x1 = f x2 x1 = x2)
   (x : A) (l : list A), nb x l = nb (f x) (map f l).

Lemma rmfst_flip {A B : Set} `{decidable_set A,decidable_set B} (s : list (A×B)) a b :
  s` (a,b) = (s (b,a))`.

insert commutes with map.
Lemma insert_map {A B : Set} `{decidable_set A,decidable_set B} :
   (f : A B) l a, insert (f a) (map f l) = map (map f) (insert a l).

shuffles commutes with map.
Lemma shuffles_map {A B : Set} `{decidable_set A,decidable_set B} :
   (f : A B) l, shuffles (map f l) = map (map f) (shuffles l).

Global Instance DecidableProp_In (A : Set) (x : A) l :
  decidable_set A DecidableProp (x l).
Global Instance DecidableProp_Incl (A : Set) (l m : list A) :
  decidable_set A DecidableProp (l m).
Global Instance DecidableProp_Equiv (A : Set) (l m : list A) :
  decidable_set A DecidableProp (l m).