Library Obs.equiv_obs

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import notations decidable_prop list_dec.
Require Export syntax_obs.

Create HintDb equiv_obs.

Axiomatic equivalence of observations

Section s.
  Context {G : Graph}.
  Notation O := observation.
  Reserved Notation " Ax ⊢ e ≡ f " (at level 80).

Smallest congruence on observation containing the relation A.
  Inductive equiv_Obs A : relation observation :=
  | eo_re a : A a a
  | eo_sym a b : A a b A b a
  | eo_trans a b c : A a b A b c A a c
  | eo_or a b c d : A a c A b d A a b c d
  | eo_and a b c d : A a c A b d A a b c d
  | eo_impl a b c d : A a c A b d A a b c d
  | eo_ax a b : A a b A a b
  where " Ax ⊢ e ≡ f " := (equiv_Obs Ax e f).
  Hint Constructors equiv_Obs : core.

  Definition inf_obs A : relation observation :=
    fun a bA a b b.
  Notation " A ⊢ e ≦ f " := (inf_obs A e f) (at level 80).

  Global Instance equiv_obs_equiv A : Equivalence (equiv_Obs A).

  Add Parametric Relation A : observation (equiv_Obs A)
      reflexivity proved by Equivalence_Reflexive
      symmetry proved by Equivalence_Symmetric
      transitivity proved by Equivalence_Transitive as eq_obs.

  Global Instance o_and_equiv A :
    Proper (equiv_Obs A ==> equiv_Obs A ==> equiv_Obs A) o_and.

  Global Instance o_or_equiv A :
    Proper (equiv_Obs A ==> equiv_Obs A ==> equiv_Obs A) o_or.

  Global Instance o_impl_equiv A :
    Proper (equiv_Obs A ==> equiv_Obs A ==> equiv_Obs A) o_impl.

  Global Instance Ax_impl_eq A : subrelation A (equiv_Obs A)
    := (@eo_ax A).

Union of relations, useful to build axiomatisations
  Inductive join (A B : relation O) : relation O :=
  | jleft s t : A s t join A B s t
  | jright s t : B s t join A B s t.
  Infix " (+) " := join (at level 20).

  Global Instance join_proper_left A B :
    subrelation A (equiv_Obs (A(+)B))
    := fun s t p ⇒ (eo_ax (jleft B p)).
  Global Instance join_proper_right A B :
    subrelation B (equiv_Obs (A(+)B))
    := fun s t p ⇒ (eo_ax (jright A p)).

  Reserved Notation " e =ha f " (at level 80).
  Reserved Notation " x =obs y " (at level 80).
  Reserved Notation " x =obs' y " (at level 80).

Axioms of Heyting algebras
  Inductive ha_ax : relation observation :=
  | ha_and_ass a b c : a (b c) =ha (a b) c
  | ha_and_comm a b : a b =ha b a
  | ha_and_top a : a o =ha a
  | ha_or_ass a b c : a (b c) =ha (a b) c
  | ha_or_comm a b : a b =ha b a
  | ha_or_bot a : a o =ha a
  | ha_abs1 a b : a (a b) =ha a
  | ha_abs2 a b : a (a b) =ha a
  | ha_tauto a : a a =ha o
  | ha_impl_premise a b : a (ab) =ha a b
  | ha_impl_concl a b : b (ab) =ha b
  | ha_impl_distr a b c : a (b c) =ha (ab) (ac)
  where " e =ha f " := (ha_ax e f).

Extra axiom of observation lattices
  Inductive obs_ax : relation observation :=
  | obs_incoh a b: a b a b =obs o
  where " x =obs y " := (obs_ax x y).

  Context {decG : DecidableGraph G}.

Axioms valid on decidable graphs
  Inductive obs'_ax : relation observation :=
  | obs_clique_impl α s t :
      (π α (s t)) =obs' (π α s) (π α t)
  | obs_clique_obs α a :
      ¬a $α (π α a) =obs' (π α o) a
  where " x =obs' y " := (obs'_ax x y).
End s.

Notation " Ax ⊢ e ≡ f " := (equiv_Obs Ax e f) (at level 80).
Notation " A ⊢ e ≦ f " := (inf_obs A e f) (at level 80).

Infix " (+) " := join (at level 20).
Infix " =ha " := ha_ax (at level 80).
Infix " =obs " := obs_ax (at level 80).
Infix " =obs' " := obs'_ax (at level 80).
Notation Obs := (ha_ax (+) obs_ax).
Notation Obs' := (ha_ax (+) (obs_ax(+)obs'_ax)).
#[global] Hint Constructors equiv_Obs ha_ax obs_ax obs'_ax join : equiv_obs.