Library Obs.coherence_graph
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import notations Bool.
Require Import decidable_prop.
Require Import list_dec.
Require Import notations Bool.
Require Import decidable_prop.
Require Import list_dec.
Class Graph :=
vertex : Set ;
coh : relation vertex ;
coh_refl :> Reflexive coh;
coh_sym :> Symmetric coh
Section s.
Context {G : Graph}.
Infix " ⁐ " := coh (at level 40).
Definition incoh : relation vertex := fun a b ⇒ ¬ a ⁐ b.
Infix " ⌣ " := incoh (at level 40).
Global Instance incoh_irrefl : Irreflexive incoh.
Global Instance incoh_sym : Symmetric incoh.
Class clique : Set :=
member : vertex → bool;
incompat : vertex → option vertex;
members_are_coh :
∀ a b, Is_true (member a) → Is_true (member b) → a ⁐ b;
incompat_Some :
∀ a b, incompat a = Some b → Is_true (member b) ∧ a ⌣ b;
incompat_None :
∀ a b, incompat a = None → Is_true (member b) → a ⁐ b
Arguments member α a : rename, clear implicits.
Arguments incompat α a : rename, clear implicits.
Arguments members_are_coh α : rename, clear implicits.
Arguments incompat_Some α : rename, clear implicits.
Arguments incompat_None { α a b}: rename.
Notation " u ⋊ x " := (∃ b, (incompat x u) = Some b) (at level 20).
Notation " u ∝ x " := (incompat x u = None) (at level 20).
Global Instance satClique : Satisfaction vertex clique :=
(fun u x ⇒ Is_true (member x u)).
vertex : Set ;
coh : relation vertex ;
coh_refl :> Reflexive coh;
coh_sym :> Symmetric coh
Section s.
Context {G : Graph}.
Infix " ⁐ " := coh (at level 40).
Definition incoh : relation vertex := fun a b ⇒ ¬ a ⁐ b.
Infix " ⌣ " := incoh (at level 40).
Global Instance incoh_irrefl : Irreflexive incoh.
Global Instance incoh_sym : Symmetric incoh.
Class clique : Set :=
member : vertex → bool;
incompat : vertex → option vertex;
members_are_coh :
∀ a b, Is_true (member a) → Is_true (member b) → a ⁐ b;
incompat_Some :
∀ a b, incompat a = Some b → Is_true (member b) ∧ a ⌣ b;
incompat_None :
∀ a b, incompat a = None → Is_true (member b) → a ⁐ b
Arguments member α a : rename, clear implicits.
Arguments incompat α a : rename, clear implicits.
Arguments members_are_coh α : rename, clear implicits.
Arguments incompat_Some α : rename, clear implicits.
Arguments incompat_None { α a b}: rename.
Notation " u ⋊ x " := (∃ b, (incompat x u) = Some b) (at level 20).
Notation " u ∝ x " := (incompat x u = None) (at level 20).
Global Instance satClique : Satisfaction vertex clique :=
(fun u x ⇒ Is_true (member x u)).
Vertex compatibility
Lemma incompat_are_incoh a α :
a ⋊ α ↔ ∃ b, b ⊨ α ∧ a ⌣ b.
Lemma compat_are_coh a α :
a ∝ α ↔ ∀ b, b ⊨ α → a ⁐ b.
Global Instance incompat_dec a α : DecidableProp (a ⋊ α).
Global Instance compat_dec a α : DecidableProp (a ∝ α).
a ⋊ α ↔ ∃ b, b ⊨ α ∧ a ⌣ b.
Lemma compat_are_coh a α :
a ∝ α ↔ ∀ b, b ⊨ α → a ⁐ b.
Global Instance incompat_dec a α : DecidableProp (a ⋊ α).
Global Instance compat_dec a α : DecidableProp (a ∝ α).
Comparing cliques
Notation inf_cliques := (fun a b ⇒ b ≲ a).
Infix " ⊃ " := inf_cliques (at level 20).
Lemma inf_clique_compat α β :
α ⊃ β → ∀ a, a ⋊ β → a ⋊ α.
Infix " ⊃ " := inf_cliques (at level 20).
Lemma inf_clique_compat α β :
α ⊃ β → ∀ a, a ⋊ β → a ⋊ α.
Incompatibility between cliques
Definition incompatible : relation clique :=
fun x y ⇒ ∃ a b, a ⊨ x ∧ b ⊨ y ∧ a ⌣ b.
Infix " ↯ " := incompatible (at level 50).
Remark incompatible_incompat α β :
α ↯ β ↔ ∃ a, a ⊨ α ∧ a ⋊ β.
Global Instance irrefl_incompatible : Irreflexive incompatible.
Global Instance sym_incompatible : Symmetric incompatible.
Global Instance incompatible_inf :
Proper (inf_cliques ==> inf_cliques ==> Basics.flip Basics.impl)
Global Instance incompatible_eq :
Proper (sequiv ==> sequiv ==> iff) incompatible.
fun x y ⇒ ∃ a b, a ⊨ x ∧ b ⊨ y ∧ a ⌣ b.
Infix " ↯ " := incompatible (at level 50).
Remark incompatible_incompat α β :
α ↯ β ↔ ∃ a, a ⊨ α ∧ a ⋊ β.
Global Instance irrefl_incompatible : Irreflexive incompatible.
Global Instance sym_incompatible : Symmetric incompatible.
Global Instance incompatible_inf :
Proper (inf_cliques ==> inf_cliques ==> Basics.flip Basics.impl)
Global Instance incompatible_eq :
Proper (sequiv ==> sequiv ==> iff) incompatible.
The empty clique
Definition empt : clique.
Lemma empt_spec a : ¬ a ⊨ empt.
Opaque empt.
Remark empt_max x : x ⊃ empt.
Lemma empt_spec a : ¬ a ⊨ empt.
Opaque empt.
Remark empt_max x : x ⊃ empt.
Union of cliques
Definition joins (x y z : clique) :=
∀ a, a ⊨ z ↔ a ⊨ x ∨ a ⊨ y.
Global Instance joins_proper :
Proper (sequiv ==> sequiv ==> sequiv ==> iff) joins.
End s.
Infix " ⁐ " := coh (at level 40).
Infix " ⌣ " := incoh (at level 40).
Arguments member {G} α a : rename.
Arguments incompat {G} α a : rename.
Notation " u ⋊ x " := (∃ b, (incompat x u) = Some b) (at level 20).
Notation " u ∝ x " := (incompat x u = None) (at level 20).
Infix " ↯ " := incompatible (at level 50).
Arguments members_are_coh {G} α : rename.
Arguments incompat_are_incoh {G} α : rename.
Arguments incompat_Some α : rename, clear implicits.
Arguments incompat_None { α a b}: rename.
Notation inf_cliques := (fun a b ⇒ b ≲ a).
Infix " ⊃ " := inf_cliques (at level 20).
∀ a, a ⊨ z ↔ a ⊨ x ∨ a ⊨ y.
Global Instance joins_proper :
Proper (sequiv ==> sequiv ==> sequiv ==> iff) joins.
End s.
Infix " ⁐ " := coh (at level 40).
Infix " ⌣ " := incoh (at level 40).
Arguments member {G} α a : rename.
Arguments incompat {G} α a : rename.
Notation " u ⋊ x " := (∃ b, (incompat x u) = Some b) (at level 20).
Notation " u ∝ x " := (incompat x u = None) (at level 20).
Infix " ↯ " := incompatible (at level 50).
Arguments members_are_coh {G} α : rename.
Arguments incompat_are_incoh {G} α : rename.
Arguments incompat_Some α : rename, clear implicits.
Arguments incompat_None { α a b}: rename.
Notation inf_cliques := (fun a b ⇒ b ≲ a).
Infix " ⊃ " := inf_cliques (at level 20).
Class DecidableGraph G :=
decidable_vertex :> decidable_set (@vertex G);
decidale_coh :> ∀ u v, DecidableProp (u ⁐ v)
Section decidable_graph.
Context { G : Graph } {decG : DecidableGraph G}.
Global Instance decidable_incoh u v : DecidableProp (u ⌣ v).
Lemma not_incompatible_is_joins x y : ¬ x ↯ y ↔ ∃ z, joins x y z.
Lemma joins_is_meet x y z :
joins x y z ↔ (z ⊃ x ∧ z ⊃ y ∧ ∀ t, t ⊃ x → t ⊃ y → t ⊃ z).
End decidable_graph.
decidable_vertex :> decidable_set (@vertex G);
decidale_coh :> ∀ u v, DecidableProp (u ⁐ v)
Section decidable_graph.
Context { G : Graph } {decG : DecidableGraph G}.
Global Instance decidable_incoh u v : DecidableProp (u ⌣ v).
Lemma not_incompatible_is_joins x y : ¬ x ↯ y ↔ ∃ z, joins x y z.
Lemma joins_is_meet x y z :
joins x y z ↔ (z ⊃ x ∧ z ⊃ y ∧ ∀ t, t ⊃ x → t ⊃ y → t ⊃ z).
End decidable_graph.
Section finite_cliques.
Context { G : Graph } {decG : DecidableGraph G}.
Definition is_coherent (α : list vertex) :=
∀ a b, a ∈ α → b∈α → a ⁐ b.
Global Instance decidable_is_coherent α :
DecidableProp (is_coherent α).
Definition fcliques :=
{ α : list vertex | test (is_coherent α) = true}.
Remark fcliques_coherent (α : fcliques) : is_coherent ($α).
Arguments fcliques_coherent : clear implicits.
Context { G : Graph } {decG : DecidableGraph G}.
Definition is_coherent (α : list vertex) :=
∀ a b, a ∈ α → b∈α → a ⁐ b.
Global Instance decidable_is_coherent α :
DecidableProp (is_coherent α).
Definition fcliques :=
{ α : list vertex | test (is_coherent α) = true}.
Remark fcliques_coherent (α : fcliques) : is_coherent ($α).
Arguments fcliques_coherent : clear implicits.
Comparing finite cliques
Notation inf_fcliques := (fun a b : fcliques ⇒ $ b ⊆ $ a).
Infix " ⊃f " := inf_fcliques (at level 20).
Notation eq_fcliques := (fun a b : fcliques ⇒ $ a ≈ $ b).
From finite cliques to cliques
Definition fcmem (α : fcliques) := fun a ⇒ inb a $α.
Lemma fcmem_coh α a b :
Is_true (fcmem α a) → Is_true (fcmem α b) → a ⁐ b.
Definition fcic (α : fcliques) :=
fun a ⇒ match (fun b ⇒ test (a ⌣ b)):> $α with
| [] ⇒ None
| b::_ ⇒ Some b
Lemma fcic_Some α a b :
fcic α a = Some b → Is_true (fcmem α b) ∧ a ⌣ b.
Lemma fcic_None α a b :
fcic α a = None → Is_true (fcmem α b) → a ⁐ b.
Definition fc_to_clique (α : fcliques) : clique
:= Build_clique (@fcmem_coh α) (@fcic_Some α) (@fcic_None α).
Notation " ! " := fc_to_clique.
Lemma fc_to_clique_spec a α : a ⊨ (! α) ↔ a ∈ $ α.
Ltac simpl_fc :=
repeat (rewrite fc_to_clique_spec in *).
Opaque fc_to_clique.
Global Instance fc_to_clique_proper :
Proper (inf_fcliques ==> inf_cliques) fc_to_clique.
Global Instance fc_to_clique_proper_eq :
Proper (eq_fcliques ==> sequiv) fc_to_clique.
Remark fc_to_clique_iff α β : α ⊃f β ↔ ! α ⊃ ! β.
Lemma fcmem_coh α a b :
Is_true (fcmem α a) → Is_true (fcmem α b) → a ⁐ b.
Definition fcic (α : fcliques) :=
fun a ⇒ match (fun b ⇒ test (a ⌣ b)):> $α with
| [] ⇒ None
| b::_ ⇒ Some b
Lemma fcic_Some α a b :
fcic α a = Some b → Is_true (fcmem α b) ∧ a ⌣ b.
Lemma fcic_None α a b :
fcic α a = None → Is_true (fcmem α b) → a ⁐ b.
Definition fc_to_clique (α : fcliques) : clique
:= Build_clique (@fcmem_coh α) (@fcic_Some α) (@fcic_None α).
Notation " ! " := fc_to_clique.
Lemma fc_to_clique_spec a α : a ⊨ (! α) ↔ a ∈ $ α.
Ltac simpl_fc :=
repeat (rewrite fc_to_clique_spec in *).
Opaque fc_to_clique.
Global Instance fc_to_clique_proper :
Proper (inf_fcliques ==> inf_cliques) fc_to_clique.
Global Instance fc_to_clique_proper_eq :
Proper (eq_fcliques ==> sequiv) fc_to_clique.
Remark fc_to_clique_iff α β : α ⊃f β ↔ ! α ⊃ ! β.
Incompatibility between finite cliques
Definition fincompatible (x y : fcliques) :=
∃ a b, a ∈ $x ∧ b ∈ $y ∧ a ⌣ b.
Infix " ↯↯ " := fincompatible (at level 50).
Lemma fincompatible_incompatible x y :
x ↯↯ y ↔ ! x ↯ ! y.
Global Instance irrefl_fincompatible : Irreflexive fincompatible.
Global Instance sym_fincompatible : Symmetric fincompatible.
Global Instance fincompatible_inf :
Proper (inf_fcliques ==> inf_fcliques ==> Basics.flip Basics.impl)
Global Instance fincompatible_eq :
Proper (eq_fcliques ==> eq_fcliques ==> iff) fincompatible.
Global Instance decidable_incompatible_f x y :
DecidableProp (x ↯↯ y).
∃ a b, a ∈ $x ∧ b ∈ $y ∧ a ⌣ b.
Infix " ↯↯ " := fincompatible (at level 50).
Lemma fincompatible_incompatible x y :
x ↯↯ y ↔ ! x ↯ ! y.
Global Instance irrefl_fincompatible : Irreflexive fincompatible.
Global Instance sym_fincompatible : Symmetric fincompatible.
Global Instance fincompatible_inf :
Proper (inf_fcliques ==> inf_fcliques ==> Basics.flip Basics.impl)
Global Instance fincompatible_eq :
Proper (eq_fcliques ==> eq_fcliques ==> iff) fincompatible.
Global Instance decidable_incompatible_f x y :
DecidableProp (x ↯↯ y).
Union of finite cliques
Definition fjoins (x y z : fcliques) := ($ z ≈ $ x ++ $y).
Global Instance fjoins_proper :
Proper (eq_fcliques ==> eq_fcliques ==> eq_fcliques ==> iff) fjoins.
Lemma fjoins_iff_joins x y z :
fjoins x y z ↔ joins (! x) (! y) (! z).
Lemma joins_is_meet_f x y z :
fjoins x y z ↔ (z ⊃f x ∧ z ⊃f y ∧ ∀ t, t ⊃f x → t ⊃f y → t ⊃f z).
Lemma not_incompatible_is_joins_f x y :
¬ x ↯↯ y ↔ ∃ z : fcliques, fjoins x y z.
Lemma incompatible_or_joins_f x y :
{x ↯↯ y} + {∃ z, fjoins x y z}.
Lemma decidable_incompatible_with_fcliques x α :
DecidableProp (x ↯ ! α).
Global Instance fjoins_proper :
Proper (eq_fcliques ==> eq_fcliques ==> eq_fcliques ==> iff) fjoins.
Lemma fjoins_iff_joins x y z :
fjoins x y z ↔ joins (! x) (! y) (! z).
Lemma joins_is_meet_f x y z :
fjoins x y z ↔ (z ⊃f x ∧ z ⊃f y ∧ ∀ t, t ⊃f x → t ⊃f y → t ⊃f z).
Lemma not_incompatible_is_joins_f x y :
¬ x ↯↯ y ↔ ∃ z : fcliques, fjoins x y z.
Lemma incompatible_or_joins_f x y :
{x ↯↯ y} + {∃ z, fjoins x y z}.
Lemma decidable_incompatible_with_fcliques x α :
DecidableProp (x ↯ ! α).
Definition project_list : list vertex → clique → list vertex :=
fun l x ⇒ member x :> l.
Lemma is_coherent_project_list l x : is_coherent (project_list l x).
Lemma project_proof l x : test (is_coherent (project_list l x)) = true.
Definition project l (x : clique) : fcliques :=
exist _ (project_list l x) (project_proof l x).
Infix " @@ " := project (at level 20).
Lemma project_spec a l x : a ∈ $ (l@@x) ↔ a ⊨ x ∧ a ∈ l.
Lemma project_incl l x : $ (l @@ x) ⊆ l.
Lemma project_larger l x : x ⊃ ! (l @@ x).
Lemma project_max l x α : $ α ⊆ l → x ⊃ ! α → l @@ x ⊃f α.
Lemma project_project l m α :
$(l @@ !(m @@ α)) ≈ $((l∩m) @@ α).
Global Instance project_proper :
Proper (@equivalent _ ==> sequiv ==> eq_fcliques) project.
Global Instance project_proper_inf :
Proper (Basics.flip(@incl _) ==> inf_cliques ==> inf_fcliques) project.
Singleton cliques
Lemma singleton_is_coherent a : is_coherent [a].
Remark sglf_proof a : test (is_coherent [a]) = true.
Definition sgl__f a : fcliques := (exist _ [a] (sglf_proof a)).
Notation sgl := (fun a : vertex ⇒ !(sgl__f a) : clique).
Lemma sgl_spec a b : a ⊨ (sgl b) ↔ a = b.
End finite_cliques.
Arguments fcliques_coherent : clear implicits.
Arguments fcliques_coherent {G} {decG}.
Ltac simpl_fc := repeat rewrite fc_to_clique_spec in ×.
Notation " ! " := fc_to_clique.
Infix " @@ " := project (at level 20).
Infix " ↯↯ " := fincompatible (at level 50).
Notation sgl := (fun a : vertex ⇒ !(sgl__f a) : clique).
Notation inf_fcliques := (fun a b : fcliques ⇒ $ b ⊆ $ a).
Infix " ⊃f " := inf_fcliques (at level 20).