Index of values

bind [Tools]
bind f [a_1;a_2;...;a_n] returns the list (f a_1)@(f a_2)@...@(f a_n).

concat [Petri]
Sequential product of automata.

dom [Tools]
dom m computes the set of indexes that are bound to something in m.
draw [PrintPetri]

get_def [Tools]
get_def default f a b will try and compute f a b, and will return default if the exception Not_found is raised.
get_eq [Exprtools]
Parses a given string as an comparison between two expressions over strings.
get_expr [Word]
Converts a word into an expression.
get_string [Exprtools]
Parses a given string as an expression over strings.
graph [Word]
Converts a list of transitions into a word.

img [Tools]
input [Tools]
input_file [Tools]
List of the lines in a file.
inter [Petri]
Intersection of automata.

print_comp [Exprtools]
Write a comparison as a string.
print_eq [Exprtools]
Writes an equation as a string.
print_expr [Exprtools]
Writes an expression as a string.
print_word [Word]
Prints a word.
printimap [Tools]
printiset [Tools]
printisset [Tools]
printlist [Tools]
printmset [Tools]
printsiset [Tools]
printtrset [Tools]
progress [Petri]
Makes a configuration go through a transition.
pstar [Petri]
Iteration of an automaton.

read [Petri]
Makes an embedding go through a transition.

simul [Petri]
Tries to find a ground term recognised by the first automaton that is not recognised by the second.
solve [Solve]
Given a string reprensenting an equation, returns a boolean corresponding to the truth of the equation and a string containg a message to display, with for instance the witnesses, if some were computed.
solve_file [Solve]
solve_file filename dest will process all equations in filename, and write an output in dest.res.

trad [Petri]
Conversion of an expression into an automaton.

union [Petri]
Union of automata.