Module Exprtools

module Exprtools: sig .. end
Some basic tools to work with expressions.

val print_expr : ([< `Conc of 'a * 'a
| `Conv of 'a
| `Inter of 'a * 'a
| `Star of 'a
| `Un
| `Union of 'a * 'a
| `Var of string
| `Zero ]
as 'a) ->
Writes an expression as a string.
val print_comp : [< `Eq | `Geq | `Gt | `Incomp | `Leq | `Lt | `Neq ] -> string
Write a comparison as a string.
val print_eq : [< `Eq | `Geq | `Gt | `Incomp | `Leq | `Lt | `Neq ] *
([< `Conc of 'a * 'a
| `Conv of 'a
| `Inter of 'a * 'a
| `Star of 'a
| `Un
| `Union of 'a * 'a
| `Var of string
| `Zero ]
as 'a) *
'a -> string
Writes an equation as a string.
val get_string : string -> string Expr.expr
Parses a given string as an expression over strings.
val get_eq : string -> Expr.comp * string Expr.expr * string Expr.expr
Parses a given string as an comparison between two expressions over strings.