C | |
comp [Expr] |
Type for comparisons.
E | |
eqs [Expr] |
Type of (in)equations.
expr [Expr] |
Very general type, including ε, ø, union, intersection, sequence,
converse and non-nul iteration.
G | |
ground [Expr] |
Only variables, intersections and sequences.
M | |
marquage [Tools] |
Alias for ISet.t
P | |
ptrans [Tools] |
Petri transitions
R | |
readstate [Tools] |
Alias for maps from integers to integers.
rkl [Expr] |
Without iteration and converse.
rkli [Expr] |
Without iteration.
rklm [Expr] |
Without identity ε and ø.
T | |
t [Petri] |
Type of an automaton.
W | |
word [Word] |
Type of words.